
After popular demand from parents we adapted our practice to include babies since 2013. We listened to the difficulty our parents were having with sourcing high quality family like care for their babies before they were old enough for our setting and set out to help make this easier for our parents.

At Phoenix Nursery our experienced and qualified nursery practitioners look after babies from 10 months old, focusing on their own individual needs in the baby room. Our experienced Deputy who is trained to degree level is the lead baby practitioner and provides parents with a detailed and informative tour of the baby facilities. Please arrange a visit to come and see the baby room and meet our baby staff to gain more of an insight into a typical day in the life of a Phoenix Nursery baby!

We provide a homely and caring environment for the babies to explore and our practitioners focus on providing the babies with caring loving relationships from which they can develop secure attachments. Secure attachment causes the parts of your baby’s brain responsible for social and emotional development, communication, and relationships to grow and develop in the best way possible. It is from these secure attachments that we can then begin to focus on the babies communication, emotional security and physical development, working with parents as a team and providing consistent support and advice when needed.

Babies thrive from daily interactions in the main room with all the children and staff, which ensures that they are confident young learners and develop strong relationships with everyone in their ‘second home’. The younger children soon become settled as part of our family and enjoy being cared for by the older children and in turn learn from their older peers! At Phoenix Nursery we provide a stimulating environment to enhance the growth and development of the babies. A mixture of individual and group activities/experiences are offered, which are carefully selected according to their interests to encourage progression.

What makes us different?
We offer a limited space for babies as we believe it is essential that we keep babies to a limited number to allow them the best possible care and support in our nursery. Due to high demand at Phoenix it is normal for us to be booking baby spaces up to 12 – 18 months in advance. Given we can only have 6 babies in our baby room each day, it means there aren’t that many places. Therefore waiting lists apply, so please ensure you get your name down early to allow your baby the Phoenix Nursery start to their life.

Phoenix Nursery offers a safe, happy and stimulating environment for children with different cultures and interest ensuring they learn through play, according to the Early years Foundation Stage. We work hard to get to know your child and you through preliminary visits ensuring you can feel comfortable leaving your child in our care. We also work with you to build on your child’s interests and plan around these interest to help them develop during their time with us.
We believe that keeping our baby numbers to a minimum allows us to adequately support and offer one to one activities for them.